The morning sun is shining bright making everyone smile joyfully at each other , I finally made into Rapa Nui where mysterious colossal stone statues called "Moai" scatters around the island. Rapa Nui people mostly come from Polynesian, Hawaiian, Tahitian and Maori in New Zealand.

If you like tropical places full of sunshine and adventures then I urge you to go there.

The average annual temperature In Rapa Nui is about 22 C .


One of the biggest problem is the rapid population increase in the latest year.

Rapa Nui is nearly 8000 people living in there , it is such a small island and it is nearly 8000 people!

I walked through the market place and tried to look for a dazzling gleaming souvenir that I could afford. 


As I walked past the necklace shop I saw a sign that says "Souvenir shop " I hurried there and saw a dazzling cute mini Moai about 10 cm tall and 7 cm wide, I bought the mini Moai and said goodbye to Rapa Nui.